Hypnotherapy achieves lasting, dramatic results in a very short time. Rather than treating symptoms, hypnotherapy traces the root cause of an issue and resolves that. If you treat the cause, the symptoms disappear.

Imagine that you have a conscious mind, and a subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is reading this right now. You are aware of where you are and what is in your environment. Your subconscious mind, by definition, is below your conscious level of awareness. It beats your heart, digests your food, manufactures brain cells, blood cells, bone cells, and grew you from a single cell. You didn't have to think about those processes or give them any effort. That's your subconscious mind's job. It heals you when you get a cut, and stops the healing when the healing is complete. It does what it is programmed to do.

When you experience symptoms, whether they're emotional, physical or behavioral, they serve a positive purpose. They are an indicator that something is wrong. Don't blame the indicator, or ignore it. If you react irrationally at times, there is a perfectly valid reason for it. You're just not aware of it. You need to be.

A woman will say to me, "Derek I've read every book on anger, and I STILL FEEL ANGRY! WHY?"
It is because she has only educated herself on anger, not treated it. Her conscious intellectual mind knows better, but her subconscious feeling mind is still stuck. It is programmed to be angry! This creates an inner conflict. Someone will say "I know I shouldn't eat the chocolate cake", but then they may just go ahead and eat it anyway. The vast majority of the time, we do what we feel like doing and then justify it.

Hypnotherapy is a tool that allows us to create rapport directly with the subconscious feeling mind. We can explore the root cause of a wide variety of symptoms, and resolve that inner conflict. We then reprogram the mind for inner harmony and success. No conflict, no symptoms. Yes, it is amazing, but it really is just cause and effect.